IVY LEAGUE ENT. "presents GO HARD OR GO HOME" 2, ARTIST SHOWCASE... MARCH 25TH AT THE REMOTE LOUNGE (327 Bowery) B/w 2nd & 3rd Streets.THIS COMPETITION PACKAGE IS LOOKING REAL SICK...WE'RE GIVING AWAY A RING TONE DEAL from INgrooves, -MP3 EMAIL BLAST from the "Wonder Twinz" of the Connex list (www.wondertwinz.com) -Promos on Future Flavas Online, -Write Ups in Rap Fanatic Magazine and more, -Interviews in your Hood by Rep Yo Hood DVD-DVD Exposure by KUSH DVD, U-N-V-US RECORDS, HIATUS THOUGHTS AND MANY MANY MORE.IF YOU'RE NOT IN THE BUILDIN' YOUR STRAIGHT OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!!Ivy League Ent. "Expect nothing less than the Best"
To whom it may concern, The Black Assassinz would like to perform on Open Mic Night or any other night you may have . contact Mr JB at jahtasia4lyfe@yahoo.com
RE: "Go Hard or Go Home" Artist Showcase