This and every Wednesday is an acoustic open mic at
Biddy Spratts 401 sunrise Highway West Islip, NY
All Artists are welcome, Musicians , Comedians ,Poets or anything else you may want to do.
Biddys is a real laid back venue, with a late night kitchen with great food and drink (and a good pint of Guinness)
Sign up is around 8, Music starts around 9pm
Hosted by Wayne Lynch and Rob Koos with Chris behind the bar. Most weeks are recorded and posted on a weekly email so come on down for a great time check us out on Facebook/wednesday at Biddys
Finley's of Greene Street in Huntington is starting their Open Mic Night Wednesday April 18th. We're starting it in conjuction with a television production company and our own booking agent. Check out Finley's MySpace Page for more details, call (631) 351-3440, or e-mail
Chris wrote: I was curious if anyone knew of an open mic night in the Suffolk, Long Iland area. Any information you can provide to me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a good day!
I was curious if anyone knew of an open mic night in the Suffolk, Long Iland area. Any information you can provide to me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a good day!
Hey Chris we are starting an open Mic night at our newly renovated pub in bay shore March 20th will be our first night wich is a Tuesday 8- 11pm we have hosts but we could use all the help getting the night going 631-665-9696 for directions
I have the connection to get you and your crew to perform, hip-hop, rap, reggaeton at New York City's CHINA CLUB email me for information. please add an underscore "_" between the Y and 8.
I host a very cool Open Mic Night every Monday at Bartini Bar in Babylon. Originals are great, covers are cool. Sign up starts at 8:30, music starts ay 9:00. Acoustic or electric, solos, bands are all welcome! Bring your axe, sign up, plug in, and play! The format is 3 songs or 15 minutes. The crowd is friendly and supportive!
Bartini Bar 124 North Carll Ave, Babylon (the west side of the Babylon RR station) Dave Drew (your gracious host)