Sorry I didn;t see this earlier but that place closed down last August....lasted about 60 days...can't be a dinrker if you owna bar...I felt bad for that guy
I just came across your information regarding booking varoius bands at your place. My name is Carlo and I'm the drummer for The Ammunition Band. We play Classic Rock, Oldies and Music of Today. The band was established in 2004 and we have been gigging ever since. We are a 4 piece group and we totally enjoy what we do by making people happy with our music. We have steady work and places like Otto's in Freeport, NY, Molly Malones in Bayshore, NY just to name a couple and we are alawys seeking new venues. Your current pay scale is right up our alley. Please visit\TheAmmunitionBand so that you can listen to some of our tunes. Please contact me as soon as possible so that I can answer questions that you may have about the band. My phone number is 631-543-2489 (Home) please call me and if I don't pick up just leave a voicemail and I will get right back to you.
I am booking a new place on the western south shore of Nassau County and am looking for 1, 2 & 3 piece acts of various types of music. Please don't waste ours or your time if you are not experienced and can't play. Paying $100 to $150 per man depending on act and experiences and your drawing abilitities and I'm not takking about your art work (LOL).
Please contact me at 516-889-6895 during business hours ONLY! That means 9 to 5..Thanks Rich