If youre a performer, artist or would like to be a participant, applications are available by contacting Long Island Fringe Festival LTD or downloading them from website - http://longislandfringefestival.weebly.com
Dont miss out on the 4th occurrence of Long Island Fringe Festival, just around the corner.
Deadline for applications MAY 31st, but, is flexible, because there are six months of performances. We can schedule acts into a venue at a future date. Dont wait to apply. The earlier you get your application in, the more venues you could be part of. Entry application fee is $75 and payable to Long Island Fringe Festival LTD. First come, first served.
Please, become a FAN on facebook - Long-Island-Fringe-Festival and follow along on twitter - http://twitter.com/Pandadollbaby or share the website at http://longislandfringefestival.weebly.com
Purchase tickets at - http://www.eventbrite.com/org/2297753467 - or more information regarding anything FRINGE - contact fringe@debbydoll.com
RE: 2009 Long Island, N.Y. FRINGE Festival - CALL to ALL
Experience Long Island's OUTDOOR stage - Long time L.I. resident, David Norstedt is the leader of the Silver Strings of Blackwood, a virtual team of musicians/composers ranging in scope from the classical to contemporary folk. For Experience Long Island David will be solo playing a sample of his original pieces composed for guitar.
Actors-Dancers-Musicians-Writers of Poetry & Plays
Visual and Techno Artists-Sculptors-Puppeteers
Creatives of any type fill Out the Fringe Form Are you ready to participate? Do you have enthusiasm and chops?
The Long Island FRINGE, is coming. It is the crest of Long Islands live professional avant- garde entertainment wave. How did it happen? The collective buzz about the Long Island arts scene was, What can we do to make a really BIG splash?The answer is the long overdue Island phenomenon Experience Long Island, the FIRST Long Island Fringe Festival. We need you and you need us. Together, we present a diverse, talented and unified artistic showcase. Our goal is to wow and inspire the festival attendees. Our venues plus your talent equals an unparalleled theatrical weekend and one that will makes the audience rave, encore...encore.
The hub of the festival is the world class stage at Tilles Center for the Performing Arts and will include 15 varied spaces on the C. W. Post campus. The Fringe Festival heralds the lead into the Tilles seasonal performance schedule. Promotion and marketing will be professionally supported. The bottom line is this, fill out an application.
The location is C. W. Post Campus of Long Island University in Brookville New York and Tilles Center for the Performing Arts.
If you have any questions, e mail: fringe@debbydoll.com
You heard all this before, but do you know the background? FRINGE is part of a larger historic entertainment cycle. Once upon a time, in 1947, the Edinburgh International Festival was born. It was the post-war initiative to re-unite Europe through culture. With little media blitz, the festival proved to be so successful it brought in more performers than the physical space allotted. Eight theater companies showcased the first alternative theater event to the very large and appreciative audience. The first Edinburgh Festival became the benchmark for all subsequent International Fringe Festivals. The primary key for each success story was simple. Please the house, give excellent quality and provide diversity in the creative arts. Join us today and help create the next exciting chapter.
The Long Island Fringe Festival is here now and we hope you will join us.