Our mission is to provide New York Small Businesses with cost-effective Websites and Marketing as a way to level the playing field when competing against large national chains.
Affordable Long Island Small Business SEO - Getting a website to rank takes time and a multi-pronged approach. We help you with content development, manipulation of the meta-data, and building quality backlinks.
Affordable Long Island Small Business SEO - Getting a website to rank takes time and a multi-pronged approach. We help you with content development, manipulation of the meta-data, and building quality backlinks.
I've attended a few open mics at Once And For All Cafe in Patchogue (http://www.onceandforallcafe.com/). This open mic was just moved from Mon to Thur and is hosted by a guy named Dominic; he plays acoustic 12 & 6 string and sometimes accomanies himself on flute using a samppling pedal on the guitar - check it out! . O.M. starts at 8:30 so arrive early, sign up & have some of their awesome cuisine at a reasonable price. 1 free drink for open mic-ers!! Owner & all around every-thinger, Jean, will also help you pick a wine you'll love and put a smile on your face.
Our mission is to provide New York Small Businesses with cost effective Websites and Marketing as a way to level the playing field when competing against large national chains. NY Small Business Website Support
Hey everyone, i am very lost as to where any open mics in Suffolk County are. there used to be many and now it seems that all the places that used to host them have either changed, shut down or just don't do it anymore. if any one has any open mics that they know of, and are current in Suffolk county please respond here. thanks so much.
NY Small Business Support - Our mission is to provide New York Small Businesses a cost effective way to level the playing field when competing against large national chains.
There'e a small local bar/pub in Centerport, LI called "Drew's Centerport Bar" - used to be the "Caddy Shack" at 94 Washintgton Drive - Right near the Huntington Crescent Golf Club. It was known as Tara's for a short while, but now its just "Drew's." If you cll 411 its apparantly listed under under "Caddy ShacK", "Tara's of Centerport" or "Centerport Pub". Anyway, they have live music every Friday & Saturday nights - They have a regular feature on Firday nights, but the singer/guitar player lets "open mike" singers and musicians join in as well as play during his breaks, and totally after he stops playing. This place gets a good late night crowd as well. They also do a total, open mike jam every Sunday evening from 7:00 pm till Midnight or later. Mostly 28-40ish crowd.Tele. Number 631-673-7067. Have Fun!
I host an Open Mic every Thursday at The Cafe Mojo in West Islip. Sign up starts about 8:15. Music starts about 8:45. The format is 3 songs/15 minutes. Originals are welcome but covers are cool too! There is no cover charge. The atmosphere is friendly and supportive. The Cafe Mojo has a full bar as well as food, coffees, teas, and desserts.