My name is Mick Walsh I am the lead singer of Number 9. We are a 5 piece Brit Pop band from New Jersey. I am from the UK but the rest of the band don't hold that against me:) We range in age from 23-50
I am a hit songwriter. My biggest hit was called Dirty Cash (Money Talks) which got to #1 world wide (#25 in the US). I have performed at the Cavern, Liverpool and sang back up with Sir Paul McCartney
We have had several gigs already, the biggest being the Hope Halo Concert for the recession that was held in Central Park. We generally bring in a crowd of between 200-250 fans and that fan base is growing. I'm writing for permission to send you a press pack with a view to getting gig at the "famous" Stone Pony.
I look forward to hearing from you
Here's a link to our current single "The Hello Man"
Blind Sheep is promoting an all age show featuring four local Long Island bands April 1 2006 at bartinis bar 124 north carl ave babylon ny (west end of LIRR babylon train station)
It's an all age show show come on down with the kids (but there will be spirits for those 21 and over)
The show will be from 2 pm- 7ish pm (doors are at 1 45pm) thats over 5 hours of live rock and roll featuring
The Highplains Drifters
Second Chance
and headlining
tickets are only $10.00 (when was the last time you could do anything for over 5 hours for only ten bucks)
for more info , ticket info and hear some of the performers songs check out the bands my spaces
we will be promoting more all age shows in the future if you have a band and some of the musicians are under age and generally cant get gigs in clubs drop us a line at blind sheep , and we will hook you up with some cool paid gigs keep rockin Blind Sheep
blind sheep will not be performing at this event , but Ryan's band something new are the headliners